What Should I Look For In A Pet Care Service?
When choosing care for your pets be sure they are willing to spend quality time with your pets, not just drop
in and leave food. A minimum of 30 minutes per visit is recommended. Your home, your personal property, and your pets are
some of your most valuable possessions. Don't trust them with just anyone!
looking for pet care, consider the following...
- The company has liability insurance and if they have employees, are bonded.
- The company provides written literature describing their services and policies.
- The company provides a service contract, which specifies services and fees.
- The pet care service puts the welfare of pets first and cares about their safety and well-being.
- The pet care service can provide references and is recommended by other pet professionals.
- The reputation of the pet care service and what their level of experience in pet care is.
- Care is provided by the same sitter on a regular basis.
- The pet care company takes precautions regarding safeguarding the client's house keys and personal information.
- The sitter takes steps to ensure the client's absence from home is not detected.
- The pet care company conducts business with honesty and integrity and observes all federal, state and local
laws pertaining to business operations.
- The pet care company has a contingency plan for pet care in case of inclement weather or personal illness.
- The sitter calls to confirm or has the client call to confirm they have returned home as scheduled.
- The pet care company provides a service rating form and leaves written information regarding service visits.
- The sitter visits your home before the first pet sitting assignment to meet you and your pets and get detailed
information about their care.
- If you are a cat, small pet, bird or fish owner and lover, of the course the best choice would be a company
who specializes in the care of your type of pet or pets.
Before choosing a pet care company, consider that pet care/sitting is a big responsibility. Turnover of sitters
is huge problem for companies that hire other sitters. Pet care companies that hire sitters have to worry about sitter theft,
sitters not showing up, or poor service by the sitters they hire. Because we are the owners/sitters for our company, we can
ensure the best care for our clients.
Our company does not promise to do everything and anything. Pet care is all we do! The care and well being
of pets is our main concern. We provide pet care in your home, where pets prefer to stay when their owners are away.