About Out Company
Do you have insurance?
We carry liability insurance designed for pet care/sitting service companies and provide proof of insurance during our
initial client meeting.
What hours do you provide service?
Service hours are between 7:30AM - 9:30 PM daily. Unless your cat requires special feeding/care routine,
we will choose the time when we are available to provide care.
How can I get in touch with you to check on my pets during my trip?
You can phone us during the evening. We are usually available between 5:00 - 6:00 PM. You can also have us call your cell
Who will be providing care?
We prefer to provide care ourselves, rather than contract outside help. Because pet sitting is a job requiring long hours
and working weekend/holidays, turnover of sitters is a big problem for companies that hire sitters. We also don’t have
to worry about poor performance by a sitter, sitters not showing up, or sitter theft.
How long have you been in business and can you provide references?
We have been providing professional pet care services since 1999. We have a portfolio with testimonials from our clients
regarding their experience with our pet care service. Our course we also have the benefit of having the experience from a
lifetime of owning and caring for our own pets.
How many clients do you have?
We establish long-term relationships with our clients who use our service again, and again. We are truly,
dedicated pet lovers who put the welfare of pets first, rather than trying to be a large company out to make a buck.
About Outdoor Pets
I would rather not have my cat or strangers in my home. Is it all right if I leave my cat outside while I
am gone and have you drop by and check on him?
We do not provide care for cats residing solely outdoors. We would have no way to be sure your cat is eating or is safe
if you do not allow your cat or us to have indoor access.
My cats stay outdoors all day and come in at night. Can you still care for them?
We prefer to care for pets residing indoors. However, if your cats are used to going out during the day we understand it
may be difficult to keep them in. We cannot guarantee your cats safety or that we will be able to let them in if they are
not present when we arrive.
I have a cat kennel with several cages. Can we hire you to provide care?
We provide service for family pets, residing indoors only
About Our Fees
I have two cats and a hamster. What do you charge per pet?
We charge a flat-rate fee for service. We charge per visit, not per pet. Weekends and Holidays do not cost extra. Home
care services are free with pet care.
I have four birds. What do you charge for bird care if my birds need to be fed twice daily?
The fee would be our flat-rate fee of $15.00 per visit. If your birds require two visits per day, the total would be $30.00
per day.
Our family is going on vacation for 10 days. Do you offer any discounts on your fees?
No, our service rate is $15.00 per visit no matter how many days you require service.
About Our Services And Pet Care
Can I bring my cat to your house for care?
Our company is not a licensed kennel. Therefore, we do not take care of pets in our home. Besides, most cats prefer the
comfort and familiarity of their own environment.
Can you visit my cat every-other day?
Pets need fresh water and attention daily. If something should happen to your cat, two days is a long time for your cat
to have to wait for help to arrive. For your cat’s health and safety, we ask that cats be visited at least one time
Would it be all right if my neighbor fed my cats in the morning or stopped by to check on my cats?
We prefer that others don’t share in the pet care when we are providing service, as problems and mix-ups in food/medication
can occur. However, we understand that this is necessary in certain cases.
Sometimes I have to travel with short notice, would that be a problem?
We provide last minute and emergency service for clients who have previously used our services.
My cat is used to being fed twice a day. Will you do that?
Most cats we care for are visited once a day, however, if you want your cat to follow it’s usual, daily feeding routine,
we would be happy to visit him or her twice a day.
My cat is a very picky eater and we give him special meals. Would this be a problem?
This is no problem at all. We do whatever we can to make your cat happy when in our care.
My cat needs a lot of attention. Can you visit him more often than 2 times a day or stay overnight?
Most cats do fine with one or two visits a day. We do not do overnight visits.
About Trial Visits
I have previously used a pet care service and was not happy with their service. Can I have you come and visit
once before leaving for a long trip?
Sure! As a matter of fact, we encourage it! We want you and your pets to be happy with our service. You can try our service
first by scheduling a trial visit, after you have had a free, initial client interview meeting. Every sitting service operates
differently and hopefully, we will be able to meet your expectations.
I want to make a trial visit with you, what do I do first?
First, schedule a client meeting by phone. You can then schedule a time to have us sit for your cats, small pets, or fish.
If you are unsure of a date to have us provide service, you can call us or schedule your appointment for service online at
a later date.
About Medication And Emergencies
My cat requires medication. Would that be a problem?
This is usually not a problem provided we are able to give hands-on care, if necessary.
Who do you contact when my cat needs emergency medical care?
We will first try and contact your Veterinarian named on your service contract. If your Veterinarian is not available and
it is an emergency, we would take your cat to the Emergency Veterinary Clinic.
My cat requires insulin shots. Would you be able to sit for him?
We are not Veterinarians or Vet Techs and would prefer not to be responsible for providing that level of medical care.
What if my cat becomes seriously ill and you cannot reach me?
We will seek medical attention for your cat if necessary. If we can’t reach you, we
will contact one of the contact persons you named on your contract or the name/number you left for us. Our contract authorizes
us to seek medical attention for your pet and allows us temporary custody of your pets in your absence. We ask that you let
your Veterinarian know who your pet sitter is in case your pet needs medical care.
About Last Minute And Emergency Service
I am leaving two days from now and I have never used your services. Can you provide service for my pets?
We do provide last minute and emergency service for our clients, but you must have an initial client meeting
with us before we can provide service. We need to be able to meet with you to get instructions on how to provide care and
to obtain a key.
Whether To Hire A Pet Care Service
My cat hides when stranger enter our home. Would he be all right with a sitter?
Some cats prefer only the company of their own family. We can still provide care for your cat as long as he/she does not
require hands-on care or medication. We will be able to tell by checking the food/litter whether or not your cat is eating
and healthy.
My cat was very upset the last time we picked him up from our friend‘s home. I have to travel for business and I
feel guilty. Can you help?
Most cats find being in a strange environment very scary and stressful. A cat sitter would be a great alternative.
About House Keys
I would rather not use your Ready Key Program. Could you leave the key on the kitchen counter on the last
You do not have to keep a key on file, but we do require that we return the key to you in person. If you would need
to extend your trip, we would not be able to continue to care for your pets.
Can I just give you my garage code, rather than a key?
Keys are required, as your garage door will not open if there is a power outage. Be sure to supply a copy of your keys,
not your only set. We have had people give us their only house key and they could not access their residence until we came
to drop-off their key.
Do you charge for key pick-up and return?
There is a small fee to cover the cost of our travel time and cost for gasoline. We waive the fee if you are using our
Ready Key program.
What if you lose my house keys?
We tag your key using a client code and our company name and phone number. Your key cannot be traced back to your residence
if it were lost or stolen. We advise all of our clients to leave a spare key with a nearby friend, neighbor or relative named
as a contact person in case there is a problem.